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So many great movies on the way! Which one are you most excited to see?

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Starting March 13 for only a few screenings!

The director of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin, Todd Komarnicki, will be at Corso Cinema on March 15th for a meet and greet following the screening!

Berlin in the 1940s: The young pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer disagrees with the views of the National Socialists and rejects their conduct both within the church and towards other people.

More Info, Movietrailer and Tickets:

Only March 15 & 16 in the original English version

After a devastating storm destroyed their home village, the clever sloth girl Laura and her family decide to start anew. With an old food truck, they take the step into the big city, where their creative creations quickly attract attention. Their small snack stand rapidly becomes a popular insider tip. But the success does not go unnoticed: the ambitious cheetah Dotti sees the rising sloth family as a threat to her struggling fast-food empire. She uses underhanded methods to try to outplay her new competitors. Will Laura and her family be able to thwart Dotti´s plans and realize their dream of a new life?

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Corso Movie Classics: Only March 16 at 4.30 pm

Mulholland Drive is a complex tale of suspense, set in the unreal universe of Los Angeles. Along Mulholland Drive nothing is what it seems. In this complex tale of suspense, set in the unreal universe of Los Angeles, writerdirector David Lynch explores the city´s schizophrenic nature, an uneasy blend of innocence and corruption, love and loneliness, beauty and depravity.

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Corso Ukrainian Movies: Only March 15 in the Ukrainian dubbed version

Pislya sylnoho shtormu, yakyy spustoshyv yiyi ridne selo, sprytna divchyna-linyvets Laura ta yiyi rodyna stykayutsya z velykym vyprobuvannyam: yim potribno znayty novyy dim. Vony vyrushayut u velyke misto na svoyiy stariy, khytkiy vantazhivtsi z yizheyu, shchob pobuduvaty sobi nove zhyttya, i nezabarom yikhniy malenkyy snek-bar staye povnym uspikhom zavdyaky yikhnim unikalnym kulinarnym navychkam. Ale ne vsi tsomu radi: hepard Dotti Peys, chyya imperiya fast-fudu perezhyvaye kryzu, bachyt u linyvtsyakh holovnu zahrozu i vsima mozhlyvymy sposobamy namahayetsya pozbutysya svoyikh supernyts. Chy zmozhe rodyna Lenyvtsiv peremohty khytroho Heparda?

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Only March 18 at 8.00 pm

Becoming Led Zeppelin explores the origins of this iconic group and their meteoric rise in just one year against all the odds. Powered by awe-inspiring, psychedelic, never-before-seen footage, performances, and music, Bernard MacMahon’s experiential cinematic odyssey explores Led Zeppelin’s creative, musical, and personal origin story. The film is told in Led Zeppelin’s own words and is the first officially sanctioned film on the group.

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Starting March 20: A live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film

Snow White
Disney presents the animated classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs now as a live-action film, with the story of the beautiful Snow White and the jealous stepmother once again taking center stage. According to lead actress Zegler, Disney is taking innovative approaches with the dwarf characters to avoid stereotypes, which led to the film being renamed Snow White. To modernize the narrative, a variety of adjustments have been made.

More Info, Movietrailer and Tickets:

Corso Ukrainian Movies: Only March 23 in the original Ukrainian version

Slidom za animatsiynym shedevrom Bilosnizhka ta sim hnomiv Disney znovu pokazuye na velykomu ekrani kazku pro molodu, vytonchenu Bilosnizhku ta yiyi revnyvu machukhu u formi zhyvoho boyovyka. Vykonavytsya holovnoyi roli Zehler natyaknula, shcho Disney po-novomu pidkhodyat do personazhiv hnomiv, shchob unyknuty propahandy stereotypiv. Z tsiyeyi prychyny film takozh buv pereymenovanyy u Bilosnizhku. Bulo vneseno chyslenni korektyvy, shchob pryvesty istoriyu do suchasnoho standartu.

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Starting April 3: The first adaptation of the world-famous game Minecraft

A Minecraft Movie (OV)
Willkommen in der Welt von Minecraft, in der Kreativität nicht nur beim Gestalten hilfreich ist, sondern sogar überlebenswichtig! Die vier Außenseiter Garrett The Garbage Man Garrison, Henry, Natalie und Dawn schlagen sich mit ganz gewöhnlichen Problemen herum. Doch eines Tages werden sie durch ein geheimnisvolles Portal in die Oberwelt hineingesogen: ein bizarres, würfelförmiges Wunderland, das durch ihre Fantasie gedeiht. Um wieder zurück nach Hause zu gelangen, müssen sie diese Welt überwinden.

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Starting May 1: Marvel Studios assembles an unconventional team of antiheroes

Thunderbolts (OV)
A Marvel film about a group of former villains and anti-heroes from previous films and Disney series led by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. Yelena BelovaBlack Widow, Red Guardian, Taskmaster, U.S. Agent, Ghost, and Winter Soldier are members of the Thunderbolts. The film is marketed as the climax of Marvel´s Phase 5 of the Multiverse Saga and is directed by Jake Schreier.

More Info, Movietrailer and Tickets:

Starting November 20: The second and final installment of the musical movie hit “Wicked”

Wicked Part Two (OV)
Elphaba was bullied in witch school, but she and Glinda are now close friends. Elphaba discovers dark secrets in Oz, while Glinda is fascinated by the court. The situation becomes complicated with the arrival of Fiyero and Dorothy. Jon M. Chu´s film adaptation of Wicked ends with Wicked 2, based on Gregory Maguire´s novel. Originally planned as one film, it was split into two parts to do justice to the musical.

More Info, Movietrailer and Tickets: